
Customers with insufficient credit take their spend to your competitors

Are you missing low-risk opportunities to grow credit sales?

56% of b2b customers churn, often in search of better cash flows
91% of credit teams are not proactively increasing customer credit

Credit teams with inadequate data on new customers extend overly conservative credit limits. Even as these customers grow and build a strong payment history, their low limits aren’t reevaluated.

Credit sales are constrained when customers lack sufficient purchasing power. Best case, you capture a fraction of your customers’ total spend. Worst case, your customers churn and find alternative suppliers who offer better credit terms.


Identify opportunities to extend more credit to high-performing customers.

Discover revenue opportunities in your customer base by proactively monitoring their credit health across multiple data sources.

Identify customers with growing cashflows & bank deposits 
using Nuvo’s instant bank verification & financial health monitoring

Track improvements in credit bureau scores & credit recommendations
 through direct integrations with CreditSafe & Equifax.

Discover changes in customer payment behavior with other suppliers
with automated updates to trade references

Monitor customer credit utilization and invoice payments history via Nuvo’s ERP integration and analytics dashboard.


Grow purchasing power for high-potential customers by 101%*.

  • Raise credit limits for new and existing customers, backed by data
  • Increase average order size and monthly orders per customer
  • Mitigate customer churn
* Teams using Nuvo increased credit limits on 15% of their customers by an average of 101%

In the past, we approved trade accounts based on just credit scores, and the odd bank reference we collected manually.

Now, we've got instant access to financial history, credit scores, and automated trade references providing confidence to grant more trade credit.

Robyn Ortiz

Accounting Manager

Speak with a product specialist to learn how Nuvo can fit your business.

Learn how else Nuvo makes credit your competitive advantage: