Grow customer purchasing power.


Customers with insufficient credit take their spend to your competitors.

56% of b2b customers churn, often in search of better cash flows and 91% of credit teams are not proactively increasing customer credit.

Credit teams with inadequate data on new customers extend overly conservative credit limits. Even as these customers grow and build a strong payment history, their low limits aren’t reevaluated.

Credit sales are constrained when customers lack sufficient purchasing power. Best case, you capture a fraction of your customers’ total spend. Worst case, your customers churn and find alternative suppliers who offer better credit terms.


Identify opportunities to extend more credit to high-performing customers.

  • Discover revenue opportunities in your customer base by proactively monitoring their credit health across multiple data sources.
  • Identify customers with growing cashflows & bank deposits using Nuvo’s instant bank verification & financial health monitoring
  • Discover changes in customer payment behavior with other suppliers
with automated updates to trade references
  • Monitor customer credit utilization and invoice payments history via Nuvo’s ERP integration and analytics dashboard.

Grow purchasing power for high-potential customers by 101%*.

  • Raise credit limits for new and existing customers, backed by data
  • Increase average order size and monthly orders per customer
  • Mitigate customer churn
* Teams using Nuvo increased credit limits on 15% of their customers by an average of 101%

Learn how else Nuvo makes credit your competitive advantage: